
Wir bieten qualitative und quantitative Recherchen an, die Anlegern dabei helfen, die Fortschritte in der verbreiteten Kontotechnologie in fundierte Investitionsentscheidungen umzuwandeln.


How did Tesla drive the Bitcoin Forward

On February 8, Bitcoin has reached its new peak at $44 750, - after Tesla has announced they have invested $1,5 billion in this cryptocurrency and plans to accept it as a payment. Vladimir Smetanin, Newcent's CEO, comments on this situation to Forbes.

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Not “How To Buy”, But “How To Sell”

What are most investors afraid of when they consider to start working with cryptocurrencies? Vladimir Smetanin, Newcent’s CEO, debunks the popular fears one by one while explaining the basic principles of legal and transparent cryptoinvestments.

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Investors Raised The Ripple Price Together

What did Reddit have to do with Ripple - and what do these unusual events teach us in the long perspective? Vladimir Smetanin, Newcent's CEO, comments on the “Ripple Effect” for Kommersant, - Russia’s leading business newspaper.

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Bitcoin is Up Again

What causes bitcoin’s unprecedented rise - and does it mean that we are facing a bubble’s explosion and a rude awakening to some? Vladimir Smetanin, CEO of Newcent, comments on the coin’s overperformance to Russia’s major business radio station.

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Why can Bitcoin still go up - and how high?

The father of all cryptocurrencies keeps rising after Ilon Musks’s famous tweet. But will the tendency continue? Vladimir Smetanin, CEO of Newcent, comments on Musk’s initiatives to one of Russia’s leading business media outlets.

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